
Coming down after the usual time spent upstairs in the morning, I heard the death of 夫人. 德布莱松1 宣布了,一个情况确实很令人震惊. 这位女士大约是去年这个时候结婚的, I attended her parties upon the occasion and officiated in a little ceremony to do her honour. She was then in all the pride of youth and beauty with hopes held out to her of all happiness. 但这一年她过得很痛苦, 她患了疟疾和发烧, 受到挫折和虐待, 最后死于分娩. It is a melancholy case and exhibits to us in full force the mortality of the world. It affects us much more to see a person cut off in the midst of youth and life when she can enjoy it most than when the person is so old it is not more than to be expected. But I could not submit to feel much as it is only putting oneself out of order for nothing. Feelings and thoughts of this kind arise too often even in the usual run of life, 因此,我们必须努力以激烈的方式击退他们. Accordingly John and myself took a walk with Mary and Abby to see Miss Selden, 因为我认为今天上午不值得出席议会. The lady was in full bloom, looked as pretty as I ever saw her. 那里有不少同伴,都是盖尔家的人2 和其他人. 因为我不认识他们,所以我一句话也没说. They soon retired, we took the usual formal set and then went ourselves.


从这里,约翰和我去了斯特里特家3 painting rooms, to see the pictures he has up here for Exhibition. 他们有四个人, 一个疯子, 这很好, 这个数字有点太大了, 但总的来说,这个表达是好的. 这无疑是所有照片中最好的一张. Two others were so poor and struck me so little that I do not recollect their names. 第四首是《og体育官网》, Musidora on the brink of the stream represented perfectly naked—a fine description but the painting unequal to it. 所以我很不高兴地退了下来. The face was terribly ugly but the limbs were quite well shaped and might have had an impression had a very little more been exposed. 然而,他非常符合描述.4 我现在想起的第三幅画, 是青瓷和阿米莉亚, 遭雷击, 在汤姆森, 但这幅画确实是错误的. The dog which accompanies appe是d the only natural part of the painting.5

晚上,我们去找夫人. 吉洛的6 根据邀请, 这些房间不是很满, 所有兵团的外交官都缺席了, 还有很多其他人因为今早的事. For myself I did not feel in very high spirits and had I, there was nobody here I wished to see. 科特林杰夫妇不在这里. 麦克奈特小姐是,我和她跳了舞. 克拉珀姆小姐, 我早就应该给他描述一下了, 因为我是本月15日在布朗太太家被介绍认识的. Ringgold’s but as I forgot to make any mention of this party at that time I must insert it in a note to this volume.7 沃特金斯在这儿,而且很活泼, 也叫爱德华·科尔, 自从我回来后就没有见过他,没有跟他说话. He is a singular young man but one not much to my liking as I believe him to harbour in his breast, 嫉妒, 恶意, 和所有的无情. I drank a good deal of punch with Watkins to try him, but he was steady as possible. 可儿有点倾斜,但材料已经用尽了. In short, such mean entertainment I do not think I ever saw before in any house in Washington. 我不怎么跳舞,确实过得很惬意. 我不像以前那样喜欢跳舞了, more on account of the difference in the society I presume than any other. 这些 困惑的球 是非常恶心的东西. 夫人和玛丽因为今早的事没有去, 先生, 艾比和我们俩坐满了马车, 因为他总是准备好和艾比, 听话. 我们很快就走了, I did wish to dance a Spanish dance but Colonel’s black fiddlers could not play one.


夫人. 查尔斯·德·布列松, 史密斯·汤普森法官的女儿, was the wife of a secretary of the French legation in Washington (JQA体系体系、日记1月28日. 1824).


大概是约瑟一家 72盖尔斯(1786-1860),英国《og体育官网》的联合编辑 国家情报局 ( 轻拍 ).


罗伯特·斯特(1796-1865), 美国画家, who held an exhibition in Washington in 1824 and painted a portrait of Andrew Jackson (Groce和Wallace, Dict. 阿米尔-. 艺术家 ).


这幅画描绘了詹姆斯·汤姆森画作中的一个著名场景 夏天 (1727年在伦敦首次出版),第1269-1370行. 参见词条 5月3, note,低于.


看到汤森, 夏天, 第1222 - 1169行.


可能是科尔的妻子. 约翰·吉洛, 拥有美丽的艾里山乡间别墅, 维吉尼亚州, 以及华盛顿著名的八角楼(沃顿商学院), 共和初期的社会生活, p. 65–66).


参见入口的结束语 1月15日.上面,.