周四. 15th.

The day was cloudy, 和 it rained in showers all along, until it set in more heavily towards night. After reading a part of the Oration of Demosthenes, I went to the Office 和 occupied myself in my usual avocations, attending particularly to my Journal 和 Accounts.

Mr. Kirke came in 和 notified me of his being ready to take us out, so that accordingly I made ready. This visit to 昆西 is an unexpected one to me. I had resolved not to go again 和 had it not been for the strong recommendations of both Doctor 和 Nurse I should have wished to avoid it.1 Returned to my house 和 found it in disorder 和 my Wife under the impression that leaving a place almost always creates.

We got through the ride very well, but the circumstances attending our arrival were not pleasant. Madame was sick, Miss Roberdeau unwell, the day gloomy—All together combined to dispirit. 我妻子被酒精深深影响了,2 和 I escaped it more only from occupying myself in making my arrangements to establish myself in the Office independently of any other person’s room.3 这次我以全新的姿态来到这里. I remain here all the time instead of passing my mornings in Boston, 和 I abstract myself more in order to avoid being entangled in the results likely to occur from diversities of sentiment between my father 和 myself.4 These results made my last stay here unpleasant, 和 unless I prevent it by decided conduct will this.

Read Bacon’s Essay on Friendship, but rather negligently, 和 two numbers of the Spectator as usual.


阿坝还没有恢复她的力量, 体重减轻了很多, 和 was not able to resume her management of the household; LCA2 had had to have a tooth extracted before she was a month old. The conditions that impelled the removal to 昆西 和 the benefits effected by the visit are evident in LCA’s letters to Mrs. JA2:

“你会惊讶地看到她是如何 阿坝 变成了一个影子. Her spirits were almost as much affected as her health but they are recovering 和 I hope much from her visit tho’ I fear it will take a long time to restore her. The Boston system of nursing does not suit me at all from what I see of it....

“The Baby grows finely 和 I think promises to be like our stock; she will have dark eyes like her Mothers I think but every body here calls them 蓝色的. Her head is quite bald in front 和 so exactly like her Gr和fathers that it is hardly possible to look at her without laughing. Poor little thing her tooth was obliged to be extracted by a dentist who was under the necessity of making an instrument for the purpose. It was in the under jaw with a perfect root the top of it indented 和 as white 和 sound as that of Infants at the regular age. This circumstance has set all the doctors to work at their books but hitherto it is said there has no case been found recorded. If it is to be productive of so much research it must at all events be called a wise tooth”

(9月20日., 亚当斯的论文).

“Dr. 霍尔布鲁克 ... 说,艾比的 ... 孩子(已经) ... a very uncommon head the bones of which are more formed than that of a much older Child, 和 the shape of it is exactly like her Gr和fathers which makes her look as wise as an Owl. She bids fair to be as lively as her Mother”

(10月13日., 亚当斯的论文).

还有,LCA给Mrs. 8月27日.9月5日、10日和27日. (所有在 亚当斯的论文); 和 below, entries for 9月21日.10月11日. 各处.


That is, influenced by the surrounding gloom.


On “the Office” at 昆西, not to be confused with 非洲金融共同体’s office in Boston, see below, entry for 9月17日.note.


The subjects which were the cause of friction were JQA’s financial affairs 和 his antimasonic politics. 参见上面的条目 5月22日, 1819 7月, 8月25日.