Thursday. 15th.

Fine day. 我呆在家里,像往常一样忙碌着,只在早晨为了洗个海水浴而被打断了一次. 坐下来对着哈钦森,一口气写了相当多的东西. 但我的写作过程是非常辛苦的,因为我已经进入了不成熟的方式 149mind. Writing is foolish without great reflection, and this should be managed without the aid of pen and ink. I now think I can make a good thing out of this.

Spent nearly an hour in comparing text with my father. 旧的日记本有时很乏味,今天也是如此. 下午,读维吉尔的第三首牧歌,非常令人愉悦. 我翻遍了箱子,寻找我要的旧文件,但没有找到. 偶然发现了一些散落的我祖父的信件. Quiet evening.

本来打算今天和昆西家的几个人到南塔斯开特去参加一个聚会,可是昆西家的几个人都觉得不愿意去, and we excused ourselves. Mr. Beale and his eldest daughter called in the Evening.