Sunday 27th.

Morning fine though cold. Our season does not begin quite so threateningly as it did last year. I read Grahame in the morning and then attended divine service. Heard Mr. Frothingham from John 14. 11. “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father in me; or else believe me for the very works sake.” This was an examination of the doctrine of Mr. Ripley and an elaborate argument to prove that the evidence of the Saviour’s character was to be found both in the doctrine and the works, but the works most especially proved the supernatural character which the doctrine could not prove. My mind is clearly made up on this point.


Walk with Mr. Walsh and he dined with me. Afternoon Psalms 34. 19. “Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” A consoling topic to those who feel distress, for myself I have no right to apply it excepting perhaps as an encouragement to exertion.

Read a discourse of Dr. Barrow from John 5. 37. “And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me.” A sort of general summary of the argument of the preceding Sermons, showing the character of Christ from prophecy, from his doctrine, from his works in which last he goes over much of the controverted topic in theology of the present hour. Evening at home. My Wife seemed better today. Grahame with whom I now mean to persevere.