Thursday 9th.

Weather unequal. I called at Hancock Street to see the new Tenants who require much repair that is indispensable. Then to the Office where I was much occupied in Accounts, bringing up the arrears with my father to the 1st of last month. Mr. Walsh came in just as I was upon the point of finishing. His talk political upon the currency and general politics. Home where I make slow progress in Herodotus.

The great luxury of my life in town is the afternoon in my cheerful study. Perhaps I do not improve it as usefully in reading the corre-342spondance secret but it is the most fascinating abstract of life in a corrupt capital that I have met with. Having less of critical sagacity than Grimm,1 it has more of anecdote and satire. Evening at home. Finished the arrear of Diary.


Baron Frédéric Melchior de Grimm, whose Correspondance CFA had read early in 1835 and whose qualities he commented upon in vol. 6:120–121.