A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Tuesday 21st

21 February 1865

Thursday 23d.

23 February 1865
22 February 1865
Wednesday 22d.



Thick grey day. Little variation in the course of employment. I am however somewhat annoyed by the great increase of the small work of details caused by the absence of my son. I hardly measure his value to me until he goes. Yet it is among my causes of anxiety that I should at his age keep him from pursuing his direct path in life. He has both abilities and culture sufficient to gain for him a proper position. The struggle in my mind what I might to do is more severe than I ever experienced before. The general vice here so far as I learn it, is that I ought not to leave this post which matters are unsettled— Yet to remain is seriously deranging the prospects of three of my children and also contrary to all my personal interests at home. I must await the dictum of the government, be it what it will. Dined at St James’s Hotel in company with about seventy or eighty americans, who desired to celebrate the anniversary. The only condition I made was, if I was desired to speak, that no reports should be made for the newspapers. Mr Morse presided very indifferently. He seemed ill and preoccupied. A few toasts, to the first of which the Memory of Washington, I was called to respond. The disposition was good, sot that what I said on the spur of the moment was well received. Other speaking followed about at the average rate of dinner table oratory. I know nothing of which I feel more ashamed then being dragged into these occasions as an exhibitor. I left before it was our, taking with me both of my Secretaries to a reception at Lady Waldegrave’s. A greater crowd than ever. I laboured through the rooms as fast as I could in order to get in season to Countess Bernstorff’s. Either the number must have been small or they had gone early, for I found not more than a dozen left.215

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://career.sa.ycdwkj666.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d053