A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Wednesday March 1st

1 March 1865

Friday 3d.

3 March 1865
2 March 1865
Thursday 2d



The Post of this morning announced that I had dined with Lady Russell yesterday. Not long afterwards I got a note from her intimating her fear of some mistake. There was a mistake but I scarcely know who was responsible for it. She asked me on the day I was at Lord Russell’s for this day. I replied that I was engaged. She then asked me for the 1st I could not recollect whether I was engaged or not. But I said I would look at my book at home. I did so, and wrote a note to say so. But not getting any confirmation I made up my mind that she must have changed her day and thought no more of it. I was more confirmed in it by the recollection that it was Ash-Wednesday which she might inadvertently have selected. She on her part had read my note as a pare letter of acceptance, and so expected and even waited for me. The thing is ugly, but instantly223 I sent back a note of explanation and accepted her invitation to come in the evening. Day passed in writing despatches. Drove out for an hour to make visits. Then a walk around the regent’s park. Mrs Hankey took me in her carriage to dinner at Sir John Shaw Lefevre’s. Sir John and Lady Colebrook and two or three more made the company, in addition to three daughters and one son. Not interesting although they are very intelligent and cultivated people. Thence to Lady Russells were a few of the Corps Diplomatique. I made my excuses for the error of yesterday, which really I cannot blame myself for. Some talk with his Lordship. Expressed my confidence in the selection of Sir Frederick Bruce, as Lord Lyons must be relieved. Thence to the first volume of the Emperor’s work on Julius Cæsar, and the preface, full of rotten political morals. When Julius Cæsar and the first Napoleon are set up as ideal excellence, the world may bid goodbye to liberty, and security. Met Lord Lyons afterwards who said that the physicians and pronounced against any immediate return, so he resigned. At the same time he said he should have been glad to see the thing out of which he had witnessed the commencement and the progress. General Barlow came in likewise. He asked me for a letter to Mr Seward. I set him down at his Hotel and parted with him. He goes tomorrow. He has been very well received here.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://career.sa.ycdwkj666.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d061