A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Friday 17th

17 March 1865

Sunday 19th

19 March 1865
18 March 1865
Saturday 18th



The early arrival of the China brought the newspapers from America which took up time to read. There was however no bag, and only a single letter, from Charles at Newport. I had hoped to gain some information from Washington. It is now four months since I wrote a modest and respectful enquiry soliciting an early answer. This comes of having to do with persons who have not had that highest kind of Christian training which constitutes the true definition of a gentleman. From the President this could scarcely be expected. But Mr Seward has both education and nature to fit him for it. Both have however received much alloy from the coarser element of New York political life. If I now write, I am fearful that my opinion will stick out through through any disguise. Very busy in details of all sorts, until afternoon, when I drove down to the Waterloo Station, to meet Mr Sturgis, and accompany him to his place at Walton. They had invited me very kind, and I shall probably have no other opportunity. Met with Mr R. B Minturn who was also going. Found the house rather full of company. Mr Bidwell and Lady Selina, his Wife, and infant, Mr and Mrs Ricardo and infant, and young Mr Fletcher. These ladies are long intimate here. Miss Russell and Miss Grew were still here in the family. I found young Harry Sturgis up and able to more about, with crutches. At first, I though him looking much better. But a later examination of his countenance impressed me less favorable. He complained of not being quite so well. The usual elegant dinner, after which Mr Bidwell rather drew me into a discussion of the claims on Great Britain for the depredations of the Alabama. It was amicable enough, but contrary to my rule.235

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://career.sa.ycdwkj666.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d077