A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Saturday April 1st

1 April 1865

Monday 3d.

3 April 1865
2 April 1865
Sunday 2d.



Mr Alward called for me this morning to attend Divine service at the chapel in Margaret Street. This edifice constructed largely at the expense of Mr Beresford Hope, the champion of Slaveowning rebels in America, is a representative in the 19th century of the religious condition of the 13th, so far as it can be made so with a decent respect to the reformed establishment of England. The interior is a restoration of the medical architecture with as little daylight let in as possible. The candles burn before the altar, the priests make their exits and entrances with many bows to the altar, the service is read and intoned after the senseless Roman manner, and a large portion is chanted in a rapid uniform manner. To day the litany was omitted, which Mr Alward says is unusual. The sermon was nothing. The attendance very full, principally of young men of rather ordinary appearance. The men and women separated by the aisle in the centre. The seats are free, but a collection is taken. As a whole, this is a great curiosity. The church of England oscillates between Romanism and Unitarianism in a fearful way. The Pope and Bishop Colenso. I have no offency for dramatic religion. Thence to pay a visit to Mr Dayton. saw her daughter and arranged to drive to Kew gardens at four o’clock which I did. The day turned out very fine, and we spent a couple of hours pleasantly. Her second son accompanied her. Mr Alward dined with me after which we went over to pass an hour with Mr and Mrs Parkes. I learned from him the death this morning of Mr Cobden. This event struck me with the greatest surprise. I know he had been long ill, and that on coming up to take part in the debate on the Canada estimates, he had become worse, but the medical advisers had expressed no uneasiness as to his life. On the contrary they had declared there was no danger. On the whole thus disappeared the most remarkable men left in England. Wholly self-made, never aided by the support of Office, or of wealth, he has wielded an amount of moral power over the politics of this Kingdom greater than that of any of his contemporaries Contrary to the tendency of ordinary British statesmen, his temper towards foreign countries was kind and conciliatory. The only times when he hazarded his popularity were in the cases of the absurd wards waged against Russia and China. Towards America in the present struggle his course has been most useful and beneficial to both countries. His loss will be deeply felt.245

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://career.sa.ycdwkj666.com/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d092