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African Americans and the End of Slavery in Massachusetts


"Since my return to America my Master, has at the desire of my friends in England given me my freedom."
~菲丽丝·惠特蕾 to David Wooster, 18 October 1773


菲丽丝·惠特蕾 was the author of the first known book of poetry by a Black woman, 1773年在伦敦出版. 在这本书首次出版之前, 她发表的第一首诗, “og体育平台赫西先生和科芬先生,出现在1767年的 新港汞. In 1770, her elegy on the death of George Whitefield, a celebrated evangelical Methodist minister who had traveled through the American colonies, drew international attention and the particular interest of Selina Hastings, 亨廷顿伯爵夫人. Whitefield had been the Countess's personal chaplain. Wheatley published numerous individual poems in addition to her book, Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, but a proposed second volume of poetry never appeared, and the manuscript was lost after her death in 1784.



Born in West Africa about 1753, Wheatley was named for the ship, the 菲利斯, that brought her to Boston on 11 July 1761, and the Wheatley family who enslaved her. John Wheatley was a prominent Boston merchant with a wholesale business, 房地产, 仓库, 码头费, 纵帆船 伦敦包. Susannah Wheatley was an ardent Christian and admirer of George Whitefield. A frail child between seven and eight years old, 菲利斯 was chosen to be a domestic servant and companion to Mrs. 惠特利晚年的画像. Although she spoke no English upon her arrival in this country, she soon proved to be a precocious learner, and was tutored by the Wheatleys' daughter Mary in English, 拉丁, 历史, 地理位置, 宗教, 尤其是圣经. Her education was that of a young woman in an elite Boston family but, 作为一个被奴役的女人, she was denied access to freedoms available to white members of the Wheatley family. She was particularly well-acquainted with the classics, 《og体育官网》, 当代作品, 尤其是亚历山大·蒲柏的作品, and these influences are readily apparent in her writing.


Wheatley's debut volume of poetry was first proposed in 1772, but this early venture was unsuccessful, and eventually she turned to an English publisher for her Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral. In May of 1773 she accompanied the Wheatley family's son Nathaniel to England, where plans for the publication had begun, but she was called home by the illness of Susannah Wheatley, and departed before the book appeared in September. While she met many notables in London, she was unable to see 亨廷顿伯爵夫人, who was away in Wales for the summer. Shortly after her return to Boston, 菲丽丝·惠特蕾 was freed by her enslaver, possibly under pressure from her English admirers. Susannah Wheatley died in March of 1774. 菲丽丝·惠特蕾 drew up proposals for a second volume of poetry which was never published, probably due to wartime shortages in Boston. 她嫁给了约翰·彼得斯, 一个住在波士顿的自由黑人, 这对夫妇有三个孩子, two of whom may have died in infancy. By 1784 Wheatley was living in a boardinghouse, and in December of that year both she and her third child passed away. 他们的埋葬地点不详.



Letters by and about 菲丽丝·惠特蕾


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