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国史日 在马萨诸塞州



    • 帮助! 我是一个新的NHD教师:视频系列
    • NHD时间表资源: General outline for the year 和 links to sample workflows developed by veteran NHD teachers. Whether you’re teaching NHD for 8 weeks or 8 months, you’ll find inspiration 在这里!
    • NHD路线图: Outline of the steps involved in research for all categories 和 the elements that students need to include in their projects
    • 给家庭的信样本: Customizable letter about NHD to send home to families
    • 历史日词汇: Explanation of terms used throughout the NHD process
    • 部门和类别: Description of different format projects can take 和 how students can be grouped by age (由NHD Utah提供)
    • NHD评价标准: These rubrics are used by judges to evaluate student projects at the NHD competitions, 和一个re often also used for teacher evaluations in a classroom setting.  These rubrics were revised for clarity 和一个ccessibility in the 2022 season.


从探索 resources on these NHD MA 网页s with your students: 年度主题选择话题. Students can also get ideas for their research topics on our 研究的链接 页面—check out the theme 页面s from local institutions for inspiration!


Proposals can help students articulate their topic 和 research plans:


先浏览我们的 项目类别 网页, which contains links to a detailed explanation of the five project types: performances, 展品, 纪录片, 论文, 和网站. Then, explore these additional resources:



 These worksheets can help students to decide if they prefer to work as an individual or in a group


These worksheets 和 resources help students identify 和一个nalyze primary 和 secondary sources. Make sure to explore the resources on our 研究页面 更多提示和链接.


从探索 研究的链接 页面, which contains lots of tips 和 links to credible local, 国家, 以及国际档案和资源.

        • NHD快速数字研究播放列表: Short videos to support students in their virtual research process, from advice on finding credible sources using Wikipedia to tips for searching the Library of Congress
        • 网上研究小贴士: Worksheet to help students to better navigate online databases when looking for sources 
        • Recognizing Bias: Analyzing Context 和 Execution: Lesson plan from the Newseum that helps students to identify bias 和 perspective in their sources. Note: It is important to emphasize that biased sources can still be useful for research as long as we apply critical thinking skills 和 compare it to other sources with different perspectives.


We highly recommend that teachers explore NoodleTools, an online platform with integrated tools for note-taking 和 outlining, 来源评价和引用, 以及如何提供有针对性的反馈. NHD teachers are eligible to register for one free year of Noodletools!



这 set of worksheets from NHD Utah helps students to summarize 和 map out the context 和 narrative of their historical project:

These tools help students to consider history through diverse lenses 和 perspectives 和 shows them how to avoid 有害的刻板印象:

        • 执行的角度通过这个网络研讨会, students learn how to construct historical narratives using diverse lenses 和 perspectives. Visit the NHD YouTube channel for short highlights from the webinar, including 如何避免有害的刻板印象 文化拨款. Although aimed at the Performance category, this is great information for all NHD project categories.


查看我们的资源 带注释的书目 & 流程纸 页面, 和 then explore the following classroom resources. 提醒:按 NHD规则手册,学生应引用 每一个 source they consult in their research, even if they don't quote it directly.

Judging, 评价s, 和 School-Level Competitions

        • 学习目标/竞争清单: Fillable student worksheet to ensure students are prepared for competitions 和 have reached the learning targets
        • 新NHD评估表格(2021年):在我们的网站上也可以找到 教育者页面 as fillable PDFs under “2021 Competition Season Resources.” Note that these will be getting some updates for the 2022 competition season
        • 校级比赛时间表: Outline that can provide a basis for school event timeline for teachers
        • 给法官的信件样本: Letter template that can be used to recruit judges for a school competition
        • 评判问题样本: Questions that can be shared with students to give them an idea of what to expect from judges at the competition
        • 评审流程概述:介绍评审过程
        • NHD评价标准: These rubrics are used by judges to evaluate student projects at the NHD competitions, 和一个re often also used for teacher evaluations in a classroom setting.  These rubrics were revised for clarity 和一个ccessibility in the 2022 season.



In addition to the selected resources in our 老师指导, we recommend exploring the numerous curricular resources available via our partner institutions:

  • 以NHD公民: The official 国史日 has a ton of great teacher resources, 包括课程资料, 项目示例链接, 以及专业发展规划.  特别地,请查看 NHD教师资源页 在课堂上使用的工具.  Check out the 快速数字研究技巧 for some great videos (or see our favorites below!).  Similarly, you can send your students to the NHD入门资源页 for lots of student-oriented materials on building their projects.
  • 明尼苏达历史日: The MHD website is chock full of classroom resources.  这 curricular 页面 includes worksheets 和 classroom guides for 每一个 stage of the NHD process, 包括 NHD明尼苏达州2021年教师框架.
  • 犹他州历史日 提供了一个奇妙的 NHD项目指南 for teachers, with plenty of classroom tools 和 material on the new NHD rules.
  • 乔治亚州历史日: The GHD website links to a number of curricular resources 和 worksheets 
  • 国家历史日虚拟剧本:由NHD在CA开发, UT, ID, MI, 和IA, this padlet is your one stop shop for 每一个thing you need to implement NHD in a virtual or hybrid classroom. 

Making History: A Teacher's Guide to the 国史日 Program



这 老师指导 published by 国史日 features step-by-step guidance on how to conduct historical research 和 give students direction on how to create 和 craft the best possible NHD projects.  这本旅游指南是 可供购买 在NHD网站上出售,售价49美元.00.



These short videos can be used to introduce NHD concepts 和 skills in the classroom.  我们特别推荐大家去看看 国家历史日Youtube页面, w在这里 new videos are being added all the time!

NHD Rules: General Rules for All Categories




国史日 frequently posts new videos to their 快速数字研究技巧 系列 NHD Youtube页面.  We've included our favorites below, but make sure to check their 页面 to see what's new!







These webinars 和 videos playlists are available to help build teacher skills for teaching project-based research 和 the NHD curriculum.